To provide an even better service to consumers, INGÁ is always looking for new partners. Know some benefits fordistributors:
- A high priviledged geographical industry on highway BR 381 at Km 512 Fernão Dias. Between Belo Horizonte and São Paulo, it’s one of the main roads in the country. It provideseasyaccessandproduction quick flow;
- Hidrobrás sources of water extraction offer excelente quality to its final product, with very low sodium levels and great acceptance in the nacional and international market;
- Credibility and tradition for 40 years in the market, INGÁ has consecrated and recognized processes by the market and the consumer;
- Several national and international awards and quality certifications that add value to its brand and products;
- High capacity infrastructure to meet the logistics of several trucks at time, already prepared for growth;
- Quality control processes to offer the final consumer a trustworthy and high satisfaction product;
- Product diversification in many different packages to meet all the demands of the national and international markets.
Are you interested in being our distribuitor? Please contact us by filling the form below:
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